We’d be delighted to tell you more about our various projects. What role did C2C Expolab play, what were the results and how does the new situation compare to the old? View this information per project!
Venlo city hall
In 2007, the municipality of Venlo decided to build a new city hall. The application of C2C principles was an important starting point for the new building. The C2C ambition translates into the dream of creating a building which functions as a resource bank that actively generates energy, purifies water and improves air quality. In essence, a building that delivers genuine added value.
C2C ExpoLAB supported the municipality of Venlo in the realisation of its cradle to cradle ambitions, from the initiation phase right up to its commission. We provided guidance and advice during the design & construction process and input for tenders, business cases, various inspiration sessions and guided tours.
in savings
residual furniture value
own energy generation
sick leave reduction
C2C materials
Egerbos Sports Hall
In 2012, the municipality of Venlo began work on a design for the (re)construction of the existing Egerbos sports complex. In line with their ambitions, it was essential that this project be designed and constructed according to cradle to cradle principles.
In partnership with 2.0 Architecten, C2C ExpoLAB submitted a winning bid for the tender. The cradle to cradle concept was realised in consultation with the client and future users, and C2C aspirations subsequently translated into the design.
c2c certified materials
residual value
information provisions
CLCP – Cradle to Cradle in South America
This project examined the application of the cradle to cradle inspired Closed-Loop Cycle Production (abbreviated to CLCP) within manufacturing sectors throughout South America. Cradle to cradle is regarded as an innovative economic principle for increasing the productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises, including those co-initiated by the government. C2C ExpoLAB fulfilled the role of project partner, sharing our knowledge and expertise of the circular economy in the Venlo region and the Netherlands with the participants in South America. Our experience with cradle to cradle for government authorities was of particular value in this project.
IKC de Zuidstroom
A few sentences providing a brief description of the project
The Integraal Kind Centrum de Zuidstroom (De Zuidstroom primary school) which opened in 2015, was designed and built entirely according to cradle to cradle (C2C) principles. The ambition of the client, Fortior, was not only to realise a circular and healthy school building; but also to approach the construction as a learning tool in the field of circular economy. The pupils are consequently regarded as ambassadors of the future and have circular philosophy firmly embedded in their DNA.
Research has revealed that the average school building in the Netherlands is 38 years old, does not comply with the basic principles of educational institutions, and a staggering 80% (!) do not meet air quality target standards.
The De Zuidstroom distinguishes itself by providing a pleasant, healthy and safe learning and working environment for children, teachers and local residents alike.
energy generation
C2C materials
residual value
challenged (local) market parties
euro saving