Cradle to Cradle: Policy recommendations

The C2C network wants to promote the way of thinking and the philosophy behind C2C as well as the governance and steering mechanisms that help to distribute and apply this way of thinking. The project is about knowledge building and raising awareness. The recommendations have been formu- lated largely from the results and the lessons learnt from the following activities:

  • Guide on C2C beyond waste management, including policy recommendations at the strategic level to guide EU policy towards eco-effectiveness
  • Perspective studies on industry, area spatial development, governance and build theme
  • A journey from Cradle to Cradle: C2C network initiatives guide
  • Transfer workshops, study visits, regional meetings, expert seminarsWe started our Cradle to Cradle journey at the beginning of January 2010. At the end of 2011 it comes to an end. The recommendations in this additional document should be read as a contribution to the C2C movement. They can help policymakers at European, national and regional level to take (small) steps towards an eco-effective society. The (non-exhaustive) list of recommendations provides signposts for an eco-effective society. Some of the recommendations are strategic, whilst others are operational. The work of the network led to four recommendations that are discussed in detail in the next chapter:• Create a common framework for an eco-effective society;
    • Stimulate the market for C2C-inspired materials, products and services; • Support innovation through partnerships;
    • Finance the transition to an eco-effective society.